DIY Homemade Dog Food
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Keep your dog healthy and fit with this easy peasy homemade recipe – it’s cheaper than store-bought and chockfull of fresh veggies!
I never thought I would be one of those dog owners who made homemade human food for their pups. Not in a million years.
But when Butters recently fell sick with an upset stomach, our vet advised us to feed him a bland diet – chicken and rice without any kind of seasoning. So that’s what we did – we poached a chicken, shredded it in a food processor, and mixed in some white rice and fed him this bland diet for 3 days.
That’s when I started to do some research on homemade dog food, and I have been so amazed as to how many different kinds of vegetables dogs can have. And with the help of Balance IT, you can create so many different recipes for your pup!
Now the best part about making homemade dog food – just like making anything at home – is that you know exactly what is going into the dog bowl, and not any of that questionable gelatinous gunk from the canned food.
But it’s important to note that dogs have different nutrient requirements than humans for their proportional body size, such as:
- High-quality protein (meat, seafood, dairy or eggs)
- Fat (meat or oil)
- Carbohydrates (grains or vegetables)
- Calcium (dairy)
- Essential fatty acids (egg yolks or oatmeal)
Now this recipe here has a balance of 50% protein, 25% veggies and 25% grains, but the ratios can easily be adjusted to suit your pup’s breed and/or needs.
Once you’ve made your batch, you can divide them up into single servings, note the date, and freeze it. When ready to serve, you can defrost it in the fridge overnight and nuke it for 15-30 seconds. That’s it! Now who knew that making dog food would be this easy?

DIY Homemade Dog Food
- 1 ½ cups brown rice
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 3 pounds ground turkey
- 3 cups baby spinach, chopped
- 2 carrots, shredded
- 1 zucchini, shredded
- ½ cup peas, canned or frozen
- In a large saucepan of 3 cups water, cook rice according to package instructions; set aside.
- Heat olive oil in a large stockpot or Dutch oven over medium heat. Add ground turkey and cook until browned, about 3-5 minutes, making sure to crumble the turkey as it cooks.
- Stir in spinach, carrots, zucchini, peas and brown rice until the spinach has wilted and the mixture is heated through, about 3-5 minutes.
- Let cool completely.
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What a fantastic initiative! And way better than plain ol’ chicken and rice! I hope your little one is feeling better now 😀 x
This is awesome! I will have to try it. Can you do a homemade recipe for cats as well? My cat is overweight and the vet recommends I put her on a prescription diet that is almost $50. We tried it, and she didn’t like it. I’ve tried cutting her servings down and she still isn’t losing weight.
Yikes – that’s an expensive diet! But unfortunately, I cannot answer this with certainty. It is best that you consult with your veterinarian.
I’ve been making homemade dog and cat food for years! It’s great to see a recipe on Damn Delicious so that others can enjoy this economical way to feed our pets healthy identifiable food! As for cats – they basically eat the same as dogs except I substitute some canned fish (tuna or salmon) to rotate with the turkey (I also use boneless, skinless chicken breasts and thighs which I pressure cook for 8 minutes)! I’ve also roasted the chicken but I think it was too dry. I use the chicken broth created by the cooking and add enough to moisten the food. They love it!!!! You can get small plastic, freezable, microwavable baby food containers on amazon which is what I use because it holds just the right amount for my chihuahua and cat.
Susan, do you mention the microwavable quality of the containers as an aside, or do you actually microwave your pet’s food to warm it up?
Yes you need to heat up the food and let it cool before feeding your pet.
Not sure I would heat the food up as high temps will cook a lot of the nutrition out of the food. I would also use white rice instead of brown rice. Dogs digestive tracts are shorter and faster than humans so the brown rice does not have time to break down for the healthy carbs, which feed the good bacteria, they can get with white rice.
White rice is processed and bleached. Digestive tracts are remarkably balanced with “good and bad” bacteria. When you favor one over the other you disrupt the balance and compromise the immune system. If brown rice is healthier for humans, I would also surmise that it’s healthier for pets.
TJ, That is a common misconception. White rice is just hulled and milled to remove the husk. There is no bleach involved. The Japanese have been doing this (without chemicals) for hundreds of years to extend the shelf life of uncooked rice and improve the flavour. White rice is perfectly safe, unless you are diabetic… in which case you should be avoiding all starches anyhow.
Love this recipe – For saving room in the freezer, we use vacuum seal bags – the pint-size are good for individual portion sizes for the little pups (and using vacuum seal bags are great because you can make & save large batches).
If you are looking for suggestions, we get them through but that’s because they are less expensive than the name brand.
Good luck!!
How much do you feed them and how often? I have 2 chihuahua mixes (2&4) that I want to do this for
T.J., I have read that white rice is better for dogs, as the covering on brown rice is harder to digest that white rice.
how can I make homemade dog food if my dog is allergic to his food? vet said go with
Christy, what were you feeding your dog before?
Use beef instead of chicken and potatoes or sweet potatoes onstead of rice
Not so sure about potatoes or nightshades in general. You might want to research that. I think sweet potatoes are okay, but they are from the morning glory family, for whatever that’s worth. Don’t judge a diet by weight gain – that would be like calling the later Elvis healthier than the earlier Elvis, “a thank you verra much.” Look for vitality in the dog as well as, obviously, no digestion issues. Also, don’t confuse zeal in consumption with good nutrition – dogs, like people, like junk.
Beef is the #1 allergen for dogs and chicken is second. I’ve read recently to change out their food often and it helps with becoming allergic by feeding them the same thing all the time. I started feeding my Westie people food. Quinoa is a very good substitute for rice – I use both but I use brown rice. I change from turkey and canned salmon. She likes both. I also give her a dog chewable vitamin every day.
Maybe try a salmon and chickpea, grain free formula?
Change turkey to ground beef or lamb. We are going to try this, her allergies are bad and I already paid the vet her 1st born’ s hospital bill
Grain…does that include rice? I thought that was more like wheat. Or what about barley? poultry free, try deer meat, or lamb just substitute.
Grain free normally has sweet potatoes and fruits and veggies in the food and you can use beef or venison or bison as the meat. I’m sure if you google for a grain free dog food recipe you’ll find one.
Cat diets are very different from dogs. It is not as simple as homemade for dogs, but really great for them if done right.
How much would I feed my bully dog? And how often. She is 45pds
No one will answer that for you but I will. I have an 80 pound beauceron I feed him 1 cup a day that’s all works good for him thanks damn delicious
An average dog needs to consume 30 calories per lb.
At 45lbs, she will need 1350 calories. Adjust a little lower for a couch potato, a little higher for a high energy dog.
The above recipe is 412 calories per cup. She would eat 3.25 cups total a day.
Tuna should only be given as an occasional treat due to the mercury content. Use canned chunk-light tuna—not albacore, which is from a larger species of tuna with mercury levels almost three times higher.
Both Chunk Light Tuna and Albacore Come from the exact same fish, it is just WHERE on the fish the the cut of meat was taken from.. i.e.: Filet Mignon vs Hamber Steak
Melissa: My information accords with Laurel’s: chunk LIGHT is a smaller fish than chunk WHITE which is Albacore (larger, with more mercury)
The chunk tuna is usually from the jack tuna fish, a smaller species, shorter lifespan, less ingested mercury. They’ve done the testing, this proved true.
to the comment above or below jack tuna no they don’t use that tuna its the lowest tuna in the see and its a redder meat . trust me ive tuna fished all my life. i you probably meant blue fin tuna yellowfin tuna but not jack tuna . not even worth smoking
ES útil, ya que mis dos perros tenían alergias, uno, sangre en la punta de las orejas, otro piel reseca, por lo que se rascaba constantemente, no se como llegue a cambiar las croquetas por la comida arriba citada y todos su malestares desaparecieron, tengo como dos años con esta comida y no he visto que tengan ningún malestar, sus eses son firmes y fáciles de recoger. GRACIAS POR PUBLICARLA.
Please share cat recipe!
Just an FYI to everyone interested in homemade cat food, cats have VERY specific nutritional needs, including amino acids (ex: taurine/arginine). I was just reading an article about how cat’s life expectancies have extended about 5+ years on average over the last 50 years due to the discovery that they need high amounts of taurine. Before these amino acids were not placed in cat foods, cats passed away much earlier. Now that cat food has all the nutrients cats need required, cats generally live 15+ years. I make home made food for my dog, however, I wouldn’t mess with cat food due to just how specific their needs are. Also, be very careful with using canned tuna in homemade cat food recipes (which I see used often online as a recommendation). It’s fine as a treat in moderation, but canned tuna can cause serious health problems in cats if they eat it regularly. I just went through this with my elderly neighbor. He has a very finicky cat and had been giving her tuna for about a year straight. I received a frantic call from him asking if I could give him and kitty a ride to the vet, as she was extremely lethargic and sick. Turns out she was developing serious kidney problems, and he vet said it was due to the tuna diet. Thankfully she was able to be treated, and is doing great now that she’s back on actual cat food.
Do you have different ways you make your dog food I have a 15 yr old shih he like the food we eat will not eat his dried dog food. I think he be better off eating what we eat how do make there food. Ginny
Hi Ginny,
the recipe above is great! Not too far off of what I feed my dogs. I have a shih/yorkie and she is allergic to flour and other grains so dog food is off limits! We have 4 dogs and I gave up trying to only feed her the natural and them dog food so I changed all over to natural. I include peas, carrots, green beans, (going to try the zuccini) I boil chicken or fish and alternate every couple of weeks. I can honestly say with feeding a Scottland Terrier and 3 small shih mixes I still save money making natural vs. quality grain free dog food. I do look for sales for savings which help.
Thank you for your help he loves the food I fix him now and it is so much better for him. What can I make him for breakfast can help have milk ,cheese just need to know what I can give him for breakfast. Ginny
Hi Lori Noe,
How much do you give your shih mix, that’s what we have.
How do I determine serving size?
Please consult with your pet’s veterinarian and use personal judgment when applying this information to your own dog’s diet.
Hi Chungah, thank you so much for this. It has changed my dog’s life. Much appreciated.
I started making this recipe for my very picky mixed miniature poodle shitzu. She is 14 lbs. I give her a touch more that 1 cup a day. It seems to be just right. I looked it up on line and this is what I learned. She initially picked out the peas, one by one. Now she eats them. I introduced yogur, 1 tsp. She seemed fine but has loose stools 3 days later so I stopped. She’s fine now. Not picky anymore. I wonder if I should change the meat and vegetables?
How can I portion this?
Please consult with your pet’s veterinarian and use personal judgment when applying this information to your own dog’s diet.
Go toDr Karen Baker she’s a holistic vet excellant on raw and cooked food for dogs and cats
So true! I think it’s just as easy using a double boiler.
I agree, the food is great,why microwave? Don’t ruin a good thing.
@Cat your already cooking the food which will alter the genetic code, simply defrosting what you cooked to save time isnt going to do anything more, sure maybe a few vits here and there minused, but think of the comparison dog food is made with giant microwaves already for decades and most of our food we get thats processed is cooked, dehydrated , frozen, reconstituted, then flash frozen again with preservatives added . The microwave isn’t evil
No need to be rude its simply her opinion i was under the impression that this was venue to share experiences and and gain new insight
How nasty!
Microwaves alter the “genetic makeup” of food. Sure… please, either provide the SOLID scientific research you are basing this on, or remove the tin foil from your head that protects you from the Alien mind control rays.
In patients undergoing or having had a stem cell or bone marrow transplant, use of the microwave oven is strictly prohibited as it alters food components and can be dangerous for them. And this is told to you prior to having the transplant done. There are also no microwave ovens at City of Hope
I totally agree! There was a study with regular water vs regular water that was microwaved. They watered two different violet house plants. The one they water with the microwaved water died!
That perscription food that vets have is only for profit. I recently saw it on a post listed as one of the 10 worst dog foods.. I’ll bet it’s the same for cats…
I am a seventh grader at a Wyoming middle school. I am doing a genius hour project for school. I was wondering if you make a large amount of dog food enough to feed a small animal shelter without it going bad? How expensive would it be? Would it be better than buying regular bagged food? For both the dog and expenses.
Jenna, unfortunately, I cannot provide specific costs. The cost of dog food can vary tremendously based on brand, dietary restrictions, size, etc.
I don’t like to feed my dogs raw ingredients. Would cooked egg yolks be good for them?
I recommend consulting with your pet’s veterinarian.
Dana….We had success with Merrick (I believe it is human grade food) canned and dry. She is older so we do a quarter can per meal (she gets breakfast and dinner) and then a little less than a quarter cup senior dry. She is doing well with that and a little more activity. 🙂 If you can find a good recipe for do it yourself, that is good too!!!! Good luck, but don’t go vet diet.
I’ve been using Merrick dry foid for my 20lb Maltese mix UNTIL I looked at the fat percent!!!! Thrn I began thinking….why cant I make him his food? He LOVES his meals now ♡♡
My dog was on Merrick, and it made her smell like popcorn cheese.
I made her some *home made dog food* and her odor went away INSTANTLY.
I am never going back to store bought dog food again!! I also found out Merrick was bought by Purina, so I feel I can’t trust any dog food brand not to sell out.
How much of this recipe would I feed to my 2 senior 13 & 14 yr
old Chihuahuas pls?
Also how long is it safe to keep in freezer.
Thank you I’m looking fwd to making this for my girls ..they becoming very fussy in their old age lol.
Cheryl, please consult with your pet’s veterinarian and use personal judgment when applying this information to your own dog’s diet.
Dana you may want to check with your vet but my Barn/house cat does great on a mix of (it looks so gross) Raw chicken livers and brown rice I add yogurt occasionally or inexpensive fish ( like cat fish belly meat) I don’t worry about cooking the meats and she seems to enjoy them more just serve at room temperature .This keeps her healthy all winter when she chooses to be an indoor cat and supplements her diet on the days she comes in from the barn. I save raw bones for her to gnaw on. I know many of us tremble at the thought of bones for our animals but I have seen her eat what she hunts and there is nothing left rats, snakes,birds feathers and all etc..
I know this is replying a year after you posted but I just thought I would mention that its vital that cats get some of the nutrients added to cat food such as taurine otherwise they will go blind. That’s just one example nutrient and one side effect. I did lots of googling into it as well as my cat is a super picky eater.
Google taurine foods. There are a number of foods that contain taurine, including chicken livers and fish…
Dana, I was doing the same thing with my dog. Buying vet diet dog food and it was very expensive and my dog didn’t lose weight. She got to the point she turned her nose up at all dog food. 2 weeks ago I found these recipes and tried the crock pot one. My dog loves this food!!! It was so easy to make. I can already tell a difference in her coat. It is more shiny and soft. Now this is all I am going to feed her is home cooked. I am so happy I found your page, Chungah and I do believe you know what you are doing with these ingredients. I have been on other sight that have stuff dogs should not eat in the recipe. I have made the biscuit treats too. They were a hit!
Hi Susan is there any vegetables that r not recommended to cook for dogs apart from onions?? Jennifer
I really like this recipe for my two beautiful dogs very look heathy
And good.
Thank you so much
I found that if you can get your cat to eat a raw food diet that their weight is perfect and they seem much happier.
Don’t go to a chain pet store but do some research. i go to Tailspin in Savannah they have a wonderful assortment. Your cat needs bone is his diet which is ground into the raw food.
I make my cat homemade food. I do similar to dog recipe. Add meat of your choice, carrots, & a grain. But consult vet first, as I am not one. My vet sees no problem with me home cooking for both my dogs & my cats. Cats actually need lots of protein, so I do ground meat or fish, veggie & a small amount of grain, plus sometimes top the dish with some broth so I can sneak in supplements. Everyone seems to love it in my household. Happy fur babies!
I read somewhere that cat can not have carrots in their diet. I don’t recall the reason. Might want to check it out.
Cats are carnivores and should not be eating a diet appropriate to dogs, who are omnivores like us.
If u havent fount a good homemade cat food recipe yet or in need of a back up one. Ive used this one thats very close 2 this ine for several yrs with my male 5yo cat Pickleman & he loves it. He hasnt had 1 UTI since starting this diet or hasnt needed 2 see a vet for anythg other than his annual ck up & shots, plus his fur is deliciously silky 2 touch.
My vet told me to feed my cat canned food if I wanted it to lose weight. It’s like 85% water
Hi, I would ask met vet for a second opinion. I would also look buy a few different flavors of the cat food, try them out and whichever one your kitty likes, that’s the one I’d replicate at home. All the best.
Plain chicken boiled and shredded, and plain fish the same way. No grains at all. You can mix in some veggies and Flax Oil, Olive Oil, Fish Oil and any cat vitimin suplimant eventually. All dry food is bad for cats, and foods with carb fillers like vet prescribed. They are mostly clueless on pet nutrition. My cat lost weight and got out of danger of Diabetes. Watch Dr. Karen Becker on youtube, a holistic vet with recipes and important dietary pet info.
Dana, go to cat
Lisa Pierson, DVM has a wealth of good information on pteoaring a well balance homemade diet for cats.
She is available for consult, but very strict about what she needs from you- complete vet records, to ncluding all test results, etc.
This is NOT a balanced diet for a dog, and this is the reason many veterinarians hate “raw” diets. Many people who actually feed raw or homemade diets follow a prey model diet and add supplements. A dog requires a basic diet of 80% raw protein like chicken, duck, beef,
rabbit (at least three rotated to provide all nutrients), 10% bone (always raw, never cooked or weight bearing) like chicken/turkey necks or feet, 5% raw liver, and 5% other raw secreting organ, like kidney, sweetbreads, or spleen. It is also recommended to add an oily fish like sardine one or twice a week. Sure, your dog might adore this recipe, and they might survive on it. But they’re definitely not getting all the vitamins and minerals they need to thrive. Check out The Raw Feeding Community on Facebook and do some research, what you find might surprise you.
Thank you Amanda. I was going to comment that the recipe left out the important of bone in the dogs diet. I have a guide from our veterinarian (holistic) of foods to feed and it follows what you mentioned in your post. Thank you again!
I add Azestfor homemade dog food vitamins to the food i cook for my dog and he is thriving
The only major diet difference is they are obligate carnivores, so mostly meat, with very limited other ingredients, as their system’s not as equipped to deal with it as dogs are. You can save kitty a lot by going homemade, check over the internet, the information is out there, you can avoid the pricey products they sell. 😀
Be careful with some of the prescription market brand pet foods – even diet. They can cause your pet to gain weight – not what you wanted. Try to get your cat moving or if an indoor cat get an outdoor cat play yard.
We use canned rabbit for our cats diet and this helps. Check for natural meat ingredients.
You can purchase Better in The Raw or TC Feline from Amazon. It is a powder with all the vitamins minerals and nutrients they need. You just add raw ground meat, (my cat likes ground turkey) egg yolks and water. Mix it up and divide it up and freeze (no cooking because need raw food). They are both the same
Concept but Better In the Raw is a little
bit cheaper.
This is the great information you shared with us. Some other thoughts…
You never force a sick dog to eat. If your dog is sick and not eating, you have to take him or her to the vet, find out what the problem is and have it immediately treated. Depending on what is wrong with your dog, the longer you wait to get it to a vet, the worse the dog will get and the harder it will be for the vet to be able to treat the problem. Emergency Vets are open 24/7. Look in your Yellow Pages under Veterinarians, find one that is open 24 hours (they are in there) and get your dog to the vet Today.
Nothing wrong with brown rice………..what am I missing??
I think what they are referring to is arsinic content in rice. The concentration is greater in the outer shell, hence brown rice in larger quantities is a problem:
Cats are carnivores they should not have a diet at all that has veggies it can cause more problems and make it worse
This is a recipe for dog food.
Awesome recipe. Believe it or not dogs do like vegetables. My guy loves cooked carrots and broccoli. Last dog food recall alert for grocery dog food was that a factory worker put the drug phenobarbitol in the dog food!! That drug is used for sedation in humans!!! Sickening!!
Yes totally agree with you mine too! Have you tried turmeric, I use it and my fur baby loves it too. The anti-inflammatory properties are great for winter.
Hi DANA…to achieve sufficient weight loss avoid cat foods that contains corn products (ie. corn, corn meal), preservatives such as BHT and byproducts are not ideal as well. Cats always will still feel hungry as the corn fillers break down into the system quickly converted into simple sugars spiking the blood sugar up quickly later turning into body fat stored in the cat’s body. Essentially these are “simple” carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates is reverse of this found in premium brands of cat foods.
Dogs aren’t meant to eat grains….
The latest research shows that dogs eating exclusively grain free diets are more susceptible to certain diseases. The answer, as with humans, is eat appropriate food in appropriate quantities
How do you transition from dry dog food to homemade recipes attached here?
When I switched Cecil over to a fresh food diet I started with about 1/4 fresh and 3/4 kibble and gradually over a few months increased the amount of fresh until he was at 100% fresh and 0% kibble. Fine chopping and mashing is important too, otherwise they do not digest some things as well and they will pick around things (like carrots).