Sheet Pan Breakfast Bake
No need to dirty up another pan! You’ll have a FULL BREAKFAST with eggs, bacon and cheesy crisp hash browns on ONE SINGLE PAN!
I’m finally coming home.
Don’t get me wrong.
It’s been an amazing three weeks.
Eating. Traveling.
And well.
Basically, just eating, really.
But it’s time to get home to Butters.
And to this breakfast bake.
Because I don’t think I had any kind of hash browns the last few weeks here in Asia.
Just dumplings and noodles.
So I’ll need this immediately.
An All-American breakfast on a SINGLE sheet pan.
Honestly, though, you could give me 18 pans to clean up.
I don’t mind.
I just want to faceplant myself immediately into these cheesy, crisp hash browns the minute I touchdown in Los Angeles.
Priorities, guys.

Sheet Pan Breakfast Bake
- 1 20-ounce package refrigerated hash brown potatoes
- 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- ¼ teaspoon dried thyme
- ¼ teaspoon dried basil
- ¼ teaspoon dried oregano
- ¼ teaspoon garlic powder
- Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
- 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
- 12 slices bacon
- 6 large eggs
- 3 tablespoons freshly grated Parmesan
- 2 tablespoons chopped fresh chives
- Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Lightly oil a baking sheet or coat with nonstick spray.
- Place hashbrowns in a single layer onto the prepared baking sheet. Stir in butter, olive oil, thyme, basil, oregano and garlic powder and gently toss to combine; season with salt and pepper, to taste. Sprinkle with cheese.
- Place into oven and bake until the edges begin to brown, about 20-25 minutes.
- Remove from oven and create 6 wells. Add bacon slices and eggs, gently cracking the eggs throughout and keeping the yolk intact.
- Sprinkle eggs with Parmesan; season with salt and pepper, to taste.
- Place into oven and bake until the egg whites have set and bacon is cooked through, an additional 10-12 minutes.
- Serve immediately, garnished with chives, if desired.
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Just made this recipe this morning! I read the comments about the bacon not being crispy, so I decided to cook my hash browns for 20 minutes by themselves and then place my bacon slices with the hashbrowns and cook for 5 more minutes before pulling out the tray again to add the eggs. Bacon was crisp and everything was delicious! I don’t think you would need to dirty up another pan by cooking the bacon beforehand. Thanks for this awesome recipe 🙂
I’ve become a big fan. Your recipes are simple, practical and delicious. Please keep them coming. Can’t wait to try this one.
I have to try this! My family loves having breakfast for dinner but I’m not always such a big fan of standing in front of the stove to cook everything. I bet I could even par cook the bacon in the microwave while the hash browns are cooking
Gosh, if you want crispy bacon, just put it on the baking pan & stick it in the oven. When it’s about half done, remove the bacon (and the drippings if you want) let it drain. Put the hash browns in & let those bake. When they’re ready for the eggs, the bacon goes in. It ain’t rocket cuisine, y’all! Follow the rest of the steps & you still have only one pan to wash. Winner, winner, breakfast for dinner!!! I love this blog, even though it takes 20 minutes to load up and nearly an hour to scroll to the end to post this comment.
Sounds like an issue with your device, not the website… I’ve never had this problem.
Well. I made this dish and it was delicious! I was worried about stirring it ALL in the sheet pan, so I did that part in a bowl first, then spread it sheet pan. OH NO! Another dish? Seriously, washing a bowl is not my biggest problem in life. Thank you Chungah for posting this. Ignore the rude comments , please.
I think I’ll try mixing all in a bowl first also, just to make sure it’s evenly distributed. And same goes, one extra bowl for a great dish is no tragedy!! LOL. And, yes, Chunga, ignore the spoilsports! We’re grateful for your terrific recipes.
This looks FABULOUS!! And only one sheet pan to clean up afterwards. This is going to make Sunday breakfasts so much more enjoyable for me!
I don’t understand why you answer so rudely with a clarification. You can’t stir on a baking sheet and all that grease will make a mess. So yes, y’all cook your bacon first and be clearer when you write down your recipes. We can’t read your mind. I will definitely try this. Maybe you should have someone proof read before you post. Preferably, someone who’s never had it or made it.
You are the rude one here.
You came back 3 days later to comment again telling someone on THEIR blog that they are being rude, when all they did was politely respond to a man swearing at them and accusing them of fraud? I think you need to look up the definition of being rude, because you’re doing a wonderful job of it.
you’re the rude one here. Maybe you need to stick to blogs that focus on basic cooking skills since this recipe seems too complex for you and you need everything spelled out. Or leave the cooking to others who can adapt recipes to the ingredients on hand. Stay away from this blog if you’re that inflexible.
What if you don’t want running egg yolks?
You can cook for longer until the yolks are cooked to your liking.
Saturday morning breakfast! Can’t wait to try this — and I love the idea of scrambled eggs as well!
I would love to wake up to that for breakfast! (:
Silly question to ask, considering this is a bacon, egg and hash brown dish — what happens to all the bacon grease if the bacon isn’t par-cooked (and drained) first? Does the grease get absorbed by the hash browns? Would be delicious… but I can hear my arteries crying for mercy.
Yes, the hash browns would soak some of the bacon grease – which wouldn’t be the worst thing, right? 🙂
I didn’t have refrigerator hash browns, so I shredded fresh potatoes instead. It did NOT work! Don’t waste your time if you don’t have prepared has browns.
Thank you for testing that out, I was wondering about that!
You would have to par cook the fresh potatoes before baking. This done with frozen or fresh bagged pototoes
I have made hash browns using freshly grated potatoes, but I par boil them for 1 minute and drain. Gets rid of that starch and they won’t turn gray.
I grate potatoes, rinse them well then microwave them spread out of a plate! This get rid of any water and par cooks the potatoes so they come up nice and crispy if fried or baked 🙂
I did shred my own potatoes and it worked out amazing. Rinse them and squeeze out as much liquid as possible. I also precooked the bacon. My family loved it. I did not add the parmesan and it was perfect> last time i used thawed hash browns and not a hit. loved it and I agree no need getting nasty on these chats. Trial and error. Mine were beautiful.
One would have to par-cook the potatoes before shredding in order for fresh potatoes to work!
This looks delicious! Do you see any reason why bacon should not be baked with the potato or 10 minutes into baking the potato? It would solve the problem of non-crispy bacon. Just a thought after reading the posts concerning bacon not cooked enough.
Yes, what a great idea!
A breakfast that looks that amazing, and only one pan to clean? Yes, please!
Your recipes are the best of all the newsletters I get. I never think about hitting the trash button. I will let these pile up and then come back. Being single it is great to have sheet pan recipes, and I love this one. Sometimes it is a challenge paring it down to size but they usually have worked even when I changed it a little. Thanks for such brilliant ideas!
This sounds amazing! Would it work if I scrambled the eggs first and then poured that over the bacon and potatoes? Can’t wait to try this! Thanks!
What a great idea! But unfortunately, without further recipe testing, I cannot answer with certainty. As always, please use your best judgment regarding substitutions and modifications.
Based on your reply to the bacon question. I don’t believe your photos match the dish you made. 12 strips of bacon cooked in an oven renders 2-3oz of fat. And it’s impossible to get bacon as you have shown in the photos without par cooking. That’s not truly one sheet pan cooking
I love your blog but this time I call BS
Simon, as I mentioned in the previous comments, you can par-cook the bacon first but it’s not a necessary step unless you personally prefer crisp bacon. I have made this recipe multiple times, using par-cooked bacon and using raw bacon.
Also, this is a food blog, Simon. There’s no deceit or BS intended here. We’re just sharing recipes. 🙂
easy recipe for calming stress:
-Sit in chair, shoulders down
-Take a deep breath, in thru the nose, out thru the mouth. Repeat 3 times
-control your internal dialogue…all is well with the world, its just a recipe.
Rude Simon, no need for that.
Thank you Melissa. I’m just now seeing this sheet pan breakfast and reading the comments. Some people just want to cause drama.
If you cook par cook the bacon on the cooking sheet, remove, drain, and do the rest, it is a one pan dish. That is what I did.
If you prefer extra crisp bacon, you can par-cook the bacon first! 🙂
Great recipe! But can you clarify something for me, please? You have cheddar cheese listed but say Parmesan in the directions, which is best? Thank you for another great sheet pan recipe, I’ve made several of yours!
You use both! Step 2 asks for cheddar. Step 5 asks for Parmesan.
Just to clarify step 2, you’re tossing the hash browns with the other ingredients before spreading right? Also, does the bacon come out crispy? would pre-cooking it first make a difference?
If you prefer extra crisp bacon, you can par-cook the bacon first! 🙂